Saturday, June 24, 2017

2.54: Understand that Transpiration is the Evaporation of Water from the Surface of a Plant

TRANSPIRATION: Evaporation of Water from the Surface of the Plant

Diagram Showing the Process of Transpiration in Plants

  • Water Molecules will Pull on Each Other Up the Xylem Vessels as they Are Cohesive (Vapours Sticks and Travels Together)
  • Water Move through the Spongy Mesophyll Cells by Osmosis and will Form Water Vapours and Evaporate, Diffusing Out of the Stomata of the Leaf
  • Water will be Continuously Drawn Up the Xylem to Replace the Water that is Lost, Creating a Transpiration Stream (Like a Drinking Straw with a Flow of water and Dissolved Minerals from the Roots to the Leaves)


  • Constant Uptake and Transport of Mineral Ions (E.g Nitrates for Amino Acids to Build Protein)
  • Providing Water to Keep Cells Turgid to Make them Bigger and Stronger to Support Upward Growth of Plant
  • Provide Water to Photosynthesizing Cells in Leaves to Conduct Photosynthesis
  • Keep the Leaves Cool by Evaporative Cooling (Maintains Optimum Temperature of Enzymes so Temperatures Do Not Get Too Hot)

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