Saturday, June 24, 2017

5.13: Describe How Plasmids and Viruses can Act as Vectors, which Take Up Pieces of DNA, then Insert this Recombinant DNA into Other Cells

RECOMBINANT DNA: DNA that is Artificially Formed by Combining Sections of DNA from Different Organisms

VECTOR: Vehicles that Carry Recombinant DNA and Inserts them into Other Cells

Diagram Showing the Two Different Types of Vectors

  • Ligase Enzyme Allows the Cut Out Gene (Target Gene) to be Inserted and Joined into the Plasmid DNA of a Bacteria, Forming a Recombinant DNA
  • Recombinant DNA is Inserted into a Bacterial Cell
  • Plasmids will Transfer Recombinant DNA to Other Bacteria when it Reproduces by Binary Fusion

  • Ligase Enzyme Allows the Cut Out Gene (Target Gene) to be Inserted and Joined into the Plasmid DNA of a Bacteria, Forming a Recombinant DNA
  • Recombinant DNA is Inserted into a Virus
  • Viruses will Carry Recombinant DNA and Infect Organisms that it Comes into Contact with, Inserting Recombinant DNA into Cell

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