Saturday, June 24, 2017

2.63: Describe the Structure of the Heart and How it Functions

HEART: Is Made of Cardiac Muscle and is Myogenic so has its Own Pacemaker that Initiates Contractions to Keep it Beating to Pump Blood Around the Body

ATRIO VENTRICULAR VALVE: Prevents the Backflow of Blood from the Ventricle to the Atrium

Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 5.18.06 PM 2.png
Diagram of the Heart
  • Deoxygenated Blood from Respiring Cells will be Carried by the Vena Cava to the Right Atrium, the Right Atrium Will Contract which will Increase Pressure and Push Blood through the Valve and Into the Right Ventricle
  • Right Ventricle will Contract and will Increase the Pressure, Causing Blood to Flow out of the Pulmonary Artery to be Oxygenated at the Lungs

  • Pulmonary Vein will Carry Oxygenated Blood from the Lungs to the Left Atrium, the Left Atrium will Contract which will Increase Pressure and Push Blood through the Valve and Into the Left Ventricle
  • Left Ventricle will Contract and will Increase the Pressure, Causing Oxygenated Blood to be Carried Out by the Aorta to Respiring Cells under High Pressure


  1. Thank you this is really helpful, the only thing is all the unnecessary capital letters makes it much harder to read :/

  2. The direction of blood flow in the heart is wrong on the diagram. The diagram has blood coming into the heart via the aorta, when blood exits the heart to the rest of the body via the aorta. Same for pulmonary vein - this is where blood leaves the heart to reach the lungs, yet is labelled as blood coming in via this vein.

    A = away from heart (artery)
    veIN = in to heart (vein)
