Saturday, June 24, 2017

3.2: Understand that Fertilisation Involves the Fusion of a Male and Female Gamete to Produce a Zygote that Undergoes Cell Division and Develops into an Embryo

FERTILISATION: Fusion of a Male and Female Gamete to Produce a Zygote that Undergoes Cell Division (Mitosis) and Develops into an Embryo

Diagram showing the Process of Fertilisation
  • An Egg Cell and Sperm Cell are Haploid Cells, Containing 23 Chromosomes Each (Half of the 46 Chromosomes Needed to Form a Zygote)
  • When Fertilisation Occurs, the Fertilised Egg Cell will Form a Zygote, a Diploid Cell with 46 Chromosomes (23 Chromosomes from Each Gamete)
  • The Zygote will Contain a Mixture of Genetic Information from Both Parents so will result in Genetic Variation

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