Saturday, June 24, 2017

3.31: Understand that Many Mutations are Harmful but Some are Neutral and a Few are Beneficial

MUTATION: Rare, Random Change in Genetic Material that Can be Inherited


  • Mutations will cause Alteration to the Base Pair Sequence in the Genetic Code, Coding for a Different Protein which may cause the Body or Organ to Not Carry Out Its Normal Function
  • Mutations will cause Genetic Disorders that can be Passed onto Generations such as Cystic Fibrosis

  • Mutations may have No Effect. E.g, the Protein that a Mutated Gene Produces may Work just as Well as the Protein from the Non - Mutated Gene
  • Mutations May Not Affect the Chances of Survival of Species

  • Mutations may be Caused by Evolution as a Means of Natural Selection, Increasing the Chances of Survival of Species
  • Mutations that are Beneficial can be Passed on to Generations which can Increase Populations of Species and Save them from Extinction

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